The PADI rescue diver course develops your knowledge and skills so that you can effectively perform diver assists and rescue, manage diving accident situations and render first aid. This course is an important step in expanding your knowledge and experience as a diver. PADI Rescue Diver certification is alsi a prerequisite for all PADI leadership programs.
How to get started
How does the course look like?
The PADI rescue diver course takes 3 to 5 days and can be divided into three focus areas. Knowledge development of topics like first aid, accident management and prevention, dive-equipment, divers stress signals. Experience different techniques to aid divers in different emergency situations; tired, unconscious or distressed diver at the surface and underwater. The best part of this course is the final section; the scenarios. Your instructor will set up a scenario and you will have to show your knowledge by calling the shots in the rescue action. You can apply your newly learned skills and and knowledge in a real life situation. Usually this course precedes the PADI divemaster training, the first level of a professional dive career.
Typical Program
The PADI Rescue Diver program covers: Self-rescue and diver stress, Diving first aid, Swimming and non-swimming assists, Egress (exits), Surfacing the unconscious diver, Underwater problems, Missing diver procedures, Panicked diver response, In-water artificial respiration, Dive accident scenarios, First aid procedures for pressure related accidents, Emergency management and Equipment considerations. You need to be 15 years old to be able to start this course and certified as a PADI Advanced Diver. As an alternative for the required PADI EFR course you must have completed a sanctioned CPR course within the last 24 months.
What you will learn?
Duration: 3-5 days
- • 5 engaging classroom sessions will expand your rescue knowledge through reviews and a final exam
- • 10 exciting skill exercises will help you master in water rescue skills
- • 2 final in water emergency scenarios will then test your new found knowledge, You should always be prepared during this course as you never know when a diver will need your help
- • Upon completion you will receive a PADI Project AWARE Rescue Diver Certificate that is a lifelong diving cert accepted worldwide.
Now that you are certified as PADI Rescue Diver you have reached a high standard of training and education. The Dive Master course is the next logical step. You can also gain more knowledge through the PADI specialty course. Expand your horizon and learn about different types of diving that have your interest. The specialized courses are a great way to focus on the dives you like to do and that you would like to know more about and you’re becoming an even better diver on your way to PADI Dive Master. Live the dream, your office is a dive center, always on a beach and in the sea, become a PADI professional, a PADI Master Scuba Diver! Or do it just to gain more experience and just because you love diving and want to know everything about it.
Course Details
Could you recognize and help a diver in distress? Would you be confident enough to calm a panicked diver down? This fun filled and challenging course will teach you how to help yourself and others who may be in need.
Duration: 3-5 days
₱18,675 Incl. tank/weights/boat ride/dive instructor, full set of diving gear and PADI manual with PIC card
Your underwater adventure can start right now! With the PADI Open E-learning course you can enroll online and pass your theoretical exams in the comfort of your home. All you need to do is bring the final certification to the dive shop and then complete the practical part of the course with one of the PADI instructors.
Start your course now online with PADI E-learning klick here